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Home / Crossroads Bible College
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601 North Shortridge Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 Website: http://www.crossroads.edu
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Year Founded:
School Type:
School Setting:
Very large city
School Tuition:
Admission Difficulty:
Qualifications of Enrolled Freshmen (Average):
GPA: 2.75 ACT: N/A
SAT Math: N/A
SAT Reading: N/A
SAT Writing: N/A
Admission Rate:
95% of 42 applicants were admitted
Total Students Enrolled:
27 (68%) of 40 admitted students enrolled
Graduation Rate:
103 (44.4%) Male 129 (55.6%) Female
Tuition and Fees:
Application Deadline:
March 10
Financial Aid:
Undergraduate Students:
232 Students
Graduate Students:
Not reported Students
Full Time Faculty:
7 Faculty
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Masters - Religious Studies - IN
Oakland City, Indiana
Mishawaka, Indiana
Franklin, Indiana
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